27 research outputs found

    4-labelings and grid embeddings of plane quadrangulations

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    AbstractA straight-line drawing of a planar graph G is a closed rectangle-of-influence drawing if for each edge uv, the closed axis-parallel rectangle with opposite corners u and v contains no other vertices. We show that each quadrangulation on n vertices has a closed rectangle-of-influence drawing on the (n−3)×(n−3) grid.The algorithm is based on angle labeling and simple face counting in regions. This answers the question of what would be a grid embedding of quadrangulations analogous to Schnyder’s classical algorithm for embedding triangulations and extends previous results on book embeddings for quadrangulations from Felsner, Huemer, Kappes, and Orden.A further compaction step yields a straight-line drawing of a quadrangulation on the (⌈n2⌉−1)×(⌈3n4⌉−1) grid. The advantage over other existing algorithms is that it is not necessary to add edges to the quadrangulation to make it 4-connected

    Anells cordals:propietats estructurals i models de comunicacions

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    En els darrers anys hi ha hagut un gran desenvolupament de la recerca en l'àrea de les xarxes informàtiques. En aquest context, la utilització dels grafs com a models per a les xarxes, on els nodes són ordinadors o processadors interconnectats, que s'han de comunicar entre ells de la manera més eficaç possible, ha donat lloc a gran quantitat de treballs. Quan es tracta de xarxes d'interconnexió, en què el nivell d'integració és elevat, es solen considerar models amb bones propietats de simetria, que permeten definir i analitzar els algorismes amb més facilitat. Per exemple, els grafs de Cayley són grafs definits a partir de l'operació d'un grup. Això permet utilitzar l'estructura algèbrica subjacent per a la resolució dels problemes.Aquesta tesi tracta de les propietats d'una família de grafs, els anells cordals de grau 3, que són grafs de Cayley sobre el grup de simetries d'un polígon regular o grup dièdric. Aquest grup no és commutatiu, però els seus elements satisfan bones relacions. A més, està molt relacionat amb el grup cíclic, i això fa que els anells cordals tinguin molt a veure amb els grafs circulants.Una part important del treball és l'estudi de les propietats estructurals dels anells cordals, mentre que en una segona part es donen algorismes de comunicació punt a punt, o encaminaments, amb bones propietats, i d'intercanvi d'informació entre tots els nodes, o gossiping. Aquestes dues parts del treball estan interrelacionades, ja que les propietats estructurals dels grafs s'utilitzen en les definicions i en l'anàlisi dels algorismes que es proposen en la segona part i, a la vegada, l'estudi de problemes de comunicacions ha motivat el plantejament de problemes de caire més teòric, com la classificació per isomorfisme dels anells cordals, la caracterització del seu grup d'automorfismes o el càlcul de l'aresta bisecció. Part de l'interès d'aquest treball és l'ús de les tessel.lacions per a la representació dels grafs. Aquesta eina s'ha revelat molt útil en l'estudi de propietats mètriques i de problemes en què s'han d'establir camins entre els nodes, ja que en facilita la visualització. Les altres famílies de grafs que han estat estudiades per diversos autors mitjançant tessel.lacions del pla són, sobretot, els grafs circulants de grau 4, en què s'utilitzen quadrats per representar els vèrtexs, i de grau 6, en què s'utilitzen hexàgons. Per als anells cordals de grau 3 s'han utilitzat triangles. En particular es veu com la tessel.lació determina totalment el graf, i les propietats del graf es tradueixen en propietats de la tessel.lació. Es poden citar com a problemes oberts la generalització dels resultats a altres famílies de grafs, i l'estudi d'altres problemes de comunicacions. En particular, per al problema del càlcul de l'índex òptic, es tenen alguns resultats en el cas d'anells cordals aresta transitius, que utilitzen la caracterització del grup d'automorfismes i la definició d'encaminaments amb bones propietats presentats en aquesta tesi

    On the Fiedler value of large planar graphs

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    The Fiedler value λ2\lambda_2, also known as algebraic connectivity, is the second smallest Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph. We study the maximum Fiedler value among all planar graphs GG with nn vertices, denoted by λ2max\lambda_{2\max}, and we show the bounds 2+Θ(1n2)λ2max2+O(1n)2+\Theta(\frac{1}{n^2}) \leq \lambda_{2\max} \leq 2+O(\frac{1}{n}). We also provide bounds on the maximum Fiedler value for the following classes of planar graphs: Bipartite planar graphs, bipartite planar graphs with minimum vertex degree~3, and outerplanar graphs. Furthermore, we derive almost tight bounds on λ2max\lambda_{2\max} for two more classes of graphs, those of bounded genus and KhK_h-minor-free graphs.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Version accepted in Linear Algebra and Its Application

    Gossiping in chordal rings under the line model

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    Article dans revue scientifique avec comité de lecture.This paper is devoted to the gossip (or all-to-all) problem in the chordal ring under the one-port line model. The line model assumes long distance calls between non neighboring processors. In this sense, the line model is strongly related to circuit-switched networks, wormhole routing, optical networks supporting wavelength division multiplexing, ATM switching, and networks supporting connected mode routing protocols. Since the chordal rings are competitors of networks as meshes or tori because of theirs short diameter and bounded degree, it is of interest to ask whether they can support intensive communications (typically all-to-all) as eÆciently as these networks. We propose polynomial algorithms to derive optimal or near optimal gossip protocols in the chordal ring

    Capture of an Intruder by Mobile Agents

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    Consider a team of mobile software agents deployed to capture a (possibly hostile) intruder in a network. All agents, including the intruder move along the network links; the intruder could be arbitrarily fast, and aware of the positions of all the agents. The problem is to design the agents' strategy for capturing the intruder. The main eciency parameter is the size of the team. This is an instance of the well known graph-searching problem whose many variants have been extensively studied in the literature. In all existing solutions, and in all the variants of the problem, it is assumed that agents can be removed from their current location and placed in another network site arbitrarily and at any time. As a consequence, the existing optimal strategies cannot be employed in situations for which agents cannot access the network at any point, or cannot "jump" across the network, or cannot reach an arbitrary point of the network via an internal travel through insecure zones. This motivates the contiguous search problem in which agents cannot be removed from the network, and clear links must form a connected sub-network at any time, providing safety of movements. This new problem is NP-complete in general. We study it for tree networks, and we consider its more general version, the weighted case, which arises naturally when considering networks whose nodes and links are of different nature and thus require a different number of agents to be explored. We give a linear-time algorithm that computes, for any tree T , the minimum number of agents to capture the intruder, and the corresponding search strategy. Beside its optimality in time, our algorithm is naturally distributed: if T is a processor-network..

    Can We Elect If We Cannot Compare?

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    The aim of this paper is to study the computational power of the qualitative model, where entities are given distinct labels which are however mutually incomparable; this model is opposed to the quantitative model, where labels are integers. The qualitative model captures, for example, the case when the labels are written in dierent alphabets (e.g., Cyrillic, Latin) and there is no a priori agreement on a common encoding. We investigate the qualitative model through the problem of leader election in a distributed mobile environment. All known leader election protocols assume that the initial input values are distinct and pairwise comparable. While distinctness of the input values is clearly required, the comparability assumption is questionable. Our concern is whether it is possible to remove this comparability assumption. To focus solely on this concern, we consider the problem in its weakest setting: anonymous highly symmetric networks (i.e., Cayley graphs). In this way, to break the symmetry (and thus elect a leader) among the incomparable mobile agents, we can not rely on the existence of distinguished node labels nor on any topological asymmetry of the network. We describe a generic election protocol which is eective for all anonymous Cayley graphs; i.e., it solves the election problem if the problem is solvable, otherwise i